VCO Systems

Automation / Put To Light

Enhancing Throughput using Put-to-Light System

Smart and Cost-Efficient Inventory Distribution for Streamlined Order Fulfillment

Automation / Put To Light

Enhancing Throughput using Put-to-Light System

Smart and Cost-Efficient Inventory Distribution for Streamlined Order Fulfillment

Attain High Level of Order Accuracy for Order Sortation

Our Put To Light system (PTL, also called Put To Store) enables users to distribute inventory for orders/cartons in a retail environment.

Our PTL solution can also allow multiple users, increasing throughput in a highly cost-efficient manner.

Group 82 3 (1)

“Fast, Error-Free and Cost-Effective Method Designed to Replenish Inventory to the Store”

Group 83 3 (1)

How Put To Light Works?

Users typically scan aggregates of inventory (totes, LPNs) that are batch-picked for retail distribution and are then light-directed to the right retail location/carton which display quantity as well as other meta-data for accurate distribution.

When the LED shows order sorting completion, the carton is packed and sent to the store. Distribution locations can be zoned for operations and can be re-zoned on the fly.

Our work


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Grocery Chain

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