VCO Systems

Automation / Putwall

Reduce Walk Time & Amplify throughput using Putwalls

Optimization using Batch Picking and Downstream Order Sorting

Automation / Putwall

Dedicated Cubbies for Consolidating Orders

Optimizing Warehouse Operations for
Seamless Order Sorting & Packing

Sorting & Consolidation

A Putwall consists of multiple Carts/Shelves that are grouped together to form an aggregate of cubbies for Order/Carton sort for eCommerce fulfillment, sorting of inventory from multi-SKU LPNs to single-SKU LPNs for putaway etc.

Inventory is batch picked for multiple Orders/Cartons (Wave) and brought to a Putwall for Sorting/Consolidation. The batch picking process can be done using VCO’s batch <Pick Carts>.

A Putwall is typically sized such that the users performing the PUT or the PACK don’t have to take more than 2-3 steps to complete the operation.

“concurrent users, putwall zones, singles consolidation, item xrefs, serial number capture and more ....”

Putwall Vco Circle

How Putwall Works ?

The Batch Picked Inventory can consist of Mixed SKUs or Single SKU LPNs/Totes.

For processing Mixed SKU LPNs/Totes, each Individual Unit is scanned to perform the Sort Process.

For Single SKU LPNs/Totes, multiple units can be inducted at the same time decreasing the number of scans required and increasing productivity.

Packout of completed Orders/Cartons can be done using Light Directed devices on the back of the Putwall or leveraging the devices on the front.

Our work


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Grocery Chain

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